
When you vote in the 2016 election for the president or United State senate, ask yourself three questions: Did the candidate serve our country and risk his/her life to protect our freedom?

The question is why does the press only talk about democrats and Republicans?

H.R. 25: Fair Tax Act of 2011

Articles on Social Security and individuals that want to maintain its legality do not explain the constitutional violation of our rights and excise tax placed on a retirement program that contradicts the Constitution.

When you vote in the 2016 election for the president or United State senate, ask yourself three questions: Did the candidate serve our country and risk his/her life to protect our freedom? Does the candidate have an education concerning how to teach the children of tomorrow? Does the candidate represent the views of 92% of Americans that believe in God? Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD, pastor, retired MSGT and Vietnam veteran For US Senate Florida Citizens for A Better America (CFABA)

COMMON CORE (why should we find another solution)

When you vote in the 2016 election for the president or United State senate, ask yourself three questions:
Did the candidate serve our country and risk his/her life to protect our freedom?
Does the candidate have an education concerning how to teach the children of tomorrow?
Does the candidate represent the views of 92% of Americans that believe in God?
Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD, pastor, retired MSGT and Vietnam veteran
For US Senate Florida
Citizens for A Better America (CFABA)

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