
Why George Soros Should be removed from America and all other territories that believe in the Trinity in the Lord Jesus Christ


We need to recruit millions of our fellow patriots to our cause and deliver millions of DEPORT GEORGE SOROS NOW! NATIONAL PETITION appeals to the White House now!

Forcing the U.S. government to deport George Soros is a MASSIVE undertaking.

Soros is such a clear and present danger to our national sovereignty it must be done!

He is using his U.S. citizenship to shelter his illicit profits and operate his anti-American groups.

And his U.S. citizenship in violation of Federal law!

George Soros has repeatedly declared his loyalty to the U.N. and the E.U., and demanded we bow down to them…

…direct affront to the Citizenship Oath that every naturalized citizen must take:

His 2011 “We Europeans” letter was co-signed by Spanish Socialist Party leader Javier Solana, French Socialist Daniel “Danny The Red” Cohn-Bendit, “Italian Radicals” party socialist Emma Bonino and former Italian Communist prime minister Massimo D’Alema.

Soros is literally joining with European socialists and Communists to pledge his allegiance to an anti-American transnational government.

And as you know, he’s doing more than just sending letters that disqualify him from being a U.S. citizen.

He poured $25 million – that we know of – into efforts to give Hillary Clinton the White House.
He bankrolled the anti-police riots that killed dozens of people and burned down entire inner cities last year.
He’s bankrolling another group, the “Immigrant Voters Win” Super PAC that is accused of massive voter fraud.
His “Voting Rights Trust” is spending millions overturning laws that stop voter fraud.
How can a Hungarian citizen legally do this?

He can’t.

Unless he thought ahead and also acquired U.S. citizenship.

George Soros is using his U.S. citizenship as a legal loophole that allows him to bankroll efforts to put our government in the hands of foreign enemies.

Under Federal law, that’s indisputable grounds for revocation of citizenship – and deportation.

So let’s make that happen.

Remove individuals from America who do not follow our constitution

Violence erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia, after counter-protestors attempted to quell an alt-right event protesting the city’s plan to remove a statue of US Civil War General Robert E. Lee.

The event turned deadly after one of the alt-right protestors drove a vehicle through a crowd of anti-protestors, killing a 33-year-old woman. Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer turned to the press in the immediate aftermath of the tragic event to blame President Trump for the violence in his own backyard. The mayor accuses Trump of encouraging violence, while both Signer and the counter-protestors are funded by billionaire George Soros, as reported by The Telegraph.

Digging deeper into the facts of the event reveals that someone actively allowed the violence to escalate. According to The Daily Caller, police officers from the scene say they were told to “not intervene until given the command to do so.” Normally, it’s up to an officer and his or her superiors to decide at the moment when intervention is necessary.

Multiple scuffles broke out before the death, but police officers did not step in to de-escalate tensions and break up the fights. Any police officer left to their own decision making would certainly have intervened in such heightening violence– that’s their job.

A counter-protester and minister-in-training, Brittany Caine-Conley saw that the police held themselves back. She said, “We were watching people punch each other; people were bleeding all the while police were inside of barricades at the park, watching. It was essentially just brawling on the street and community members trying to protect each other.”

One of the few people who would be able to order the police to ignore acting on the violence would be Mayor Singer. Yet, he roundly blamed the violence on President Trump.

There were also allegations that the Mayor of Berkeley, California, made a similar order to police after the “Battle of Berkeley” in April, which took place during what was supposed to be a talk by right-wing British commentator Milo Yiannopoulos. The Berkeley Mayor has gotten off completely scot-free for this potential abuse of power and failure to protect his own citizens.

But, in the case of Charlottesville, the Mayor’s likely order left one person dead. The mayor chose money and support from George Soros over saving the life of his own citizens. The protesters, also paid by Soros, chose violence too. Now, the chaos Soros has instigated in many countries has arrived in America.

While the Mayor condemns President Trump, he fails to acknowledge that our President has condemned the violence, from every side. President Trump said, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides – on many sides,” as reported by Fox News.

True to his position on law and order, and on supporting our police officers, President Trump added that law and order must be re-established quickly and protection must be extended to protecting the innocent. This is precisely the protection of the innocent the Charlottesville Mayor denied.

It’s clear that it is not the President who to blame here, but a weak-willed Mayor who is willing to play into Soros’ progressive agenda.

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