

Education and the hybrid school system is becoming the main topics again.

Dr Tolbert added the link and information on health and education interaction that he wrote in 2002


Note web link correction common core




A hybrid school system will be defined as schools that use a class room, online sources, and home schooling to teach the accredited curriculum.

Oriented to Self-motivation, in retrospect, the hybrid school system was used to facilitate learning assignments online, with friends and families and sharing in the class room. Home studying is not enough nor is class room strictly online, but equal incorporation of the three will enable the student to utilize his or her own learning skills.

The changing global education system requires that new innovative instructions be researched for all grade levels in order for parochial schools to compete with the traditional public school system.

“We all acknowledge that the information age has had a profound impact on the world around us; thus it is not unreasonable to assume that the information age should also affect the form and function of adult education.”

Parents want more than just good grades too; they think moral instruction is important.

Schools ought to try to instill the virtues of honesty and moral courage, apply the Golden Rule, teach children to accept people with different ethnic and religious backgrounds, and promote democracy.

Not all who are placed in the position of a teacher or leader are in fact the teacher or leader, they only hold the title. Many students, staff and outside organizations may be actually teaching and leading the organization or school.

Professional Learning Community (PLC) (vision, mission, goals, books and curriculum) (tenets – principle doctrines held by a group of professionals)

“There are five skill-sets of teachers that seem to be associated with effective interactive learning by students:
• Using and Developing Professional Knowledge and Values;
• Communicating, Interacting, and Working with Students and Others;
•Planning and Managing the Teaching and Learning Process;
• Monitoring and Assessing Student Progress and Learning Outcomes; and
• Reflecting, Evaluating and Planning for Continuous Improvement.”
These five skill sets are also applicable to leaders/principals.

Our local schools and PLC’s are not in control but are being mandated to operate and teach according to a Centralized system/authority versus decentralization.

The leader/principal would answer first to the community and then teach the other subjects that would insure the student could read write and understand math.

For example, our ministers would want our students to understand the Bible so we would make the Bible the center of our teaching. The community would want their children to understand ethical and moral issues and to reduce the number of their children being incarcerated. This then would be the first responsibility of the leader and the PLC. In teaching moral and ethics the teachers would instruct the students how the Bible relates to their responsibility as being responsible adults.

It is unreasonable to assume that students will not take drugs, get into fights and have babies if they were not first taught ethics and their moral responsibility.

The PLC was established within the school by the teacher’s interaction, exchange of ideas and material in order for them to have the supplies necessary to meet their requirements. If then schools were given a budget and the PLC of a school interacted with a PLC of other schools, it is possible that this applied principle would not just be by chance but could have an impact on all communities. Valuable resources could be conserved and reallocated as needed to other communities. Teachers in all communities would be able to share and exchange ideas and material. The winners would be all communities and the children.

Your role as a leader should distribute expertise and competence among people and to provide opportunities for other people to see you doing the learning that you expect them to do. Leaders are followed and copied because what they practice seems to work and because they also practice what they preach.

“You can change people’s values and change the impact of those values on student learning by changing the way people talk.”

You must change the subconscious if you are to change the conscience. Changing the way the leader, teacher, and student or community thinks opens up the mind to being able to learn new ideas which in turn creates new actions and responses.

There are six standards provided by the National Association of Elementary School Principals.

• Standard One: Balance management and Leadership Roles.
• Standard Two: Set High Expectations and Standards.
• Standard Three: Demand Content and Instructions that ensures student Achievement.
• Standard Four: Create a Culture of Adult Learning.
•Standard Five: Use Multiple Sources of data as Diagnostic tools.
• Standard Six: Actively Engage the community.

“We have an opportunity to identify and prepare a diverse group of school leaders who can change curriculum and instructions and build higher performing schools.”

“We are committed to providing schools,” viewing all children regardless of their race, creed, color or religion as being eligible for college.

The principal’s role is increasingly being defined in terms of instructional leadership,” focusing on six distinct forms of leadership:

1. Instructional leadership has influenced teachers’ work in a way that will

improve student’s achievement.
2. Transformational leadership seeks to increase the commitments and capacities of school staff.
3. Moral leadership is rooted in the values and ethics of the leader, who influences others by appealing to the notions of right and wrong.
4. Participation leadership is focused on decision-making processes that seek to involve other members of the school community, such as site-based management.
5. Managerial leadership focuses on functions, task, and behaviors of leaders, with an emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness.
6. Contingent leadership focuses on the ways school leaders respond to specific sets of circumstances, adapting their behavior to fit the situation.

A teacher must become the student and the student become the teacher because in all cases the leader is both the student and the leader.

The Death of Distances is How the Communications Revolution is Changing Our Lives. There is no longer a distance between libraries and schools, all information is accessible to all staff and students.

What is the product that a principal is producing? The product is students who can survey/survive regardless of the economy.

The primary focus of assessment is to promote learning, not to measure and report it. Teachers must use content standards as the basis for their curriculum, assessment, and instructional decision making. The school should have a philosophy and a system of grading that ensure consistency among teachers. Faculty must develop an assessment system that tells them whether their work produces changes in student achievement.

Today’s successful teachers view themselves as facilitators of learning and invite their students to be active and responsible partners in the learning process. These teachers design learning activities to focus student learning on enduring understandings, key principles, concepts, and skills. They recognize and plan for the diverse academic needs, interests, and learning profiles of their students. Their goal is to challenge and help every student to grow, regardless of where each student begins. To accomplish this, they continuously monitor students’ progress and modify activities in response to their varied needs; use a variety of instructional strategies and assessment techniques; and engage students in the process of setting challenging academic goals, assessing their own work, and reflecting on their own progress.

Successful schools have found that involving all staff and community members in the process of identifying what students should know and be able to do by the time they graduate is time well spent in developing local curriculum. Curriculum development is a team planning and examination process, using quality control measures such as standards, to ensure that you get it right. Schools show they value their teachers’ time and effort in planning curriculum by compensating them with common planning time, professional development, and stipends, and by making curriculum planning a part of the performance evaluation system.

In some schools, teachers don’t know what’s being taught in their colleagues’ classrooms. Curriculum mapping is a process that brings staff together to map the content they teach and begin the conversation about what should be in the curriculum. Mapping essential understandings and core

performance tasks across the K-12 curriculum ensures a curriculum designed for depth rather than breadth, where the textbook is a resource for teachers and the textbook adoption cycle is not the extent of the school system’s curriculum development. The maps can be used to identify repetitions, gaps, and places where integration across disciplines can reduce the fragmentation commonly found in unexamined curriculum work.

Teachers are supported in honing their skills through peer coaching, and beginning teachers and their more experienced mentors value a comprehensive mentoring program. Instructional leaders ensure that the school improvement plan is linked to student learning results, related instructional needs, measurable goals, and the resulting professional development plan. Professional development is an integral part of the school culture and climate.

In schools where students realize deep understandings, teachers are familiar with theories of learning, such as the theory of multiple intelligences, learning styles, and constructivism. What’s more, in these settings teachers help students think about how they think. Students learn to identify how they learn best, and understand that there are many ways of being “smart.” In these settings, students also have choices in how they express their learning and are encouraged to demonstrate what they know in different ways.

Designing a brain-friendly environment is a top priority for teachers in schools where true learning occurs. Teachers understand how the brain processes, stores, and retrieves information and consequently create learning environments that honor those natural functions. For example, a learning setting attuned to what we know about the brain is a safe, non-threatening place where all students feel encouraged to participate in the learning process. Teachers incorporate laughter and purposeful movement in the classroom, and they provide opportunities for students to “teach” or explain what they have just learned—in their own words–to a partner or the class.

In Summary:

This writing was to present why Common Core is in violation of the 10th amendment and in the appendix the Supreme Court’s rulings on the right of the parent to be part of their children’s education.
Unfortunately, many parents assume that they have no right to teach, educate, or establish moral standards. This belief that the school and government is to protect, educate, and establish standards has circumvented the parents’ rights.

The influx of money from the Federal Government to the states has circumvented the states own rights given to them as a federalism and protection written into the constitution. If Florida is to lead, they need to start by making education its first priority. Education has to teach skills and promote creativeness, Common Core will do none of this. Common Core will however, cause great teachers to fail in their assignment of promoting creativeness and new ideas which has made America great.

In conclusion;

At what cost and how long will it take to establish Florida or for that matter to address a new school system. A hybrid school system study would cost less than a $1,000,000, it would take one year to develop the curriculum and establish a system that can be duplicated and mirrored across America. This model can be implemented in 3rd world countries. Instead of Florida’s being ranked 36 out of 50 States and the USA being 18 out 36 industrial countries, in as little as 10 years we can be the leader by example.

We can influence world power: by military readiness, productiveness and creativeness through education and a new information system. Ask yourselves, should America be a leader or as Common Core would want, us to be a follower.

The Common Core State Standard (CCSS) is not a curriculum but a set of standards defining the knowledge and skills that students from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade need to master each year to be prepared for the next grade, and ultimately college or work. Creating common academic standards across the country was a state-led initiative, involving a coalition of governors and educators. The actual standards were developed by teachers, administrators, experts and parents.

Modeled after successful programs in the U.S. and abroad the Common Core standards are meant to provide teachers and parents with a shared understanding of what students are expected to learn. One aim is to ensure that kids who move across city or even state lines end up in schools with the same information being taught.

Building on the best of existing state standards, the Common Core State Standards provide clear and consistent learning goals to help prepare students for college, career, and life. The standards clearly demonstrate what students are expected to learn at each grade level, so that every parent and teacher can understand and support their learning.

The standards are:

1. Research and evidence based

2. Clear, understandable, and consistent

3. Aligned with college and career expectations

4. Based on rigorous content and the application of knowledge through higher-order thinking skills

5. Built upon the strengths and lessons of current state standards

6. Informed by other top-performing countries to prepare all students for success in our global economy and society

According to the best available evidence, the mastery of each standard is essential for success in college, career, and life in today’s global economy. Though the standards are not controlled by the federal

government, some education advocates worry that they are being dictated by test companies and federal agendas. NYC parent activist Leonie Haimson charges that parents had little say in their adoption. “I don’t think there is a huge consensus on these standards,” she explained. “I’m very doubtful about a pilot being imposed on so many million kids across the US. I would far more trust parents to say what are good standards for their kids and what work is good for their kids.”


In the early 1920s, the United States Supreme Court first reviewed the rights, liberties and obligations of parents to direct the upbringing of their children. Two important decisions, Meyer v. Nebraska and Pierce v. Society of Sisters, established a legacy which was followed by a series of decisions holding that parenting is a fundamental constitutional right, and among “the basic civil rights of man.”

Choices about marriage, family life, and the upbringing of children are among those rights the Court has ranked as “of basic importance in our society,” and as sheltered by the 14th Amendment against the State’s unwarranted usurpation, disregard, or disrespect.

Choices about marriage, family life, and the upbringing of children are among associational rights this Court has ranked as “of basic importance in our society,” rights sheltered by the 14th Amendment against the State’s unwarranted usurpation, disregard, or disrespect. This case, involving the State’s authority to sever permanently a parent-child bond, demanded the close consideration the Court has long required when a family association so undeniably important was at stake. [M. L. B. v. S. L. J. 519 US 102, 117 S. Ct. 555 (1996)]

The fundamental liberty interest of natural parents in the care, custody, and management of their child is protected by the 14th Amendment, and does not evaporate simply because they have not been model parents or have lost temporary custody of their child to the State. A parental rights termination proceeding interferes with that fundamental liberty interest. When the State moves to destroy weakened familial bonds, it must provide the parents with fundamentally fair procedures. [Santosky v Kramer 455 US 745 (1982)]

The Court’s decisions have by now made plain that a parent’s desire for and right to “the companionship, care, custody, and management of his or her children” is an important interest that “undeniably warrants deference and, absent a powerful countervailing interest, protection.” A parent’s interest in the accuracy and justice of the decision to terminate his or her parental status is, therefore, a commanding one. [ Lassiter v Department of Social Services 452 US 18 (1981)]

We have little doubt that the Due Process Clause would be offended “if a State were to attempt to force the breakup of a natural family, over the objections of the parents and their children, without some showing of unfitness and for the sole reason that to do so was thought to be in the children’s best interest.” Whatever might be required in other situations, we cannot say that the State was required in this situation to find anything more than that the adoption, and denial of legitimation, were in the “best interests of the child.” [Quilloin v Walcott 434 US 246 (1978)]

In this action, individual foster parents and a foster parents organization, sought declaratory and injunctive relief against New York State and New York City officials, alleging that the statutory and regulatory procedures for removal of foster children from foster homes violated the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment. The ruling contains an analysis of the rights of natural parents as balanced against the rights of foster parents, as well as a comprehensive discussion of foster care conditions. [Smith v Organization of Foster Care Families
431 US 816 (1977)]

The Court has long recognized that freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and family life is one of the liberties protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. A host of cases, tracing their lineage to Meyer v. Nebraska and Pierce v. Society of Sisters have consistently acknowledged a “private realm of family life which the state cannot enter.” When the government intrudes on choices concerning family living arrangements, the Court must examine carefully the importance of the governmental interests advanced. [Moore v East Cleveland 431 US 494 (1977)]

The Court has long recognized that freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and family life is one of the liberties protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. There is a right “to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child.” [Cleveland Board of Education v La Fleur 414 US 632 (1974)]

The private interest here, that of a man in the children he has sired and raised, undeniably warrants deference and protection. The integrity of the family unit has found protection in the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, and the 9th Amendment. [Stanley v Illinois 405 US 645 (1972)]

In this case involving the rights of Amish parents to provide for private schooling of their children, the Court held: “The history and culture of Western civilization reflect a strong tradition of parental concern for the nurture and upbringing of their children. This primary role of the parents in the upbringing of their children is now established beyond debate as an enduring American tradition.” [Wisconsin v Yoder 406 US 205 (1972)]

In this case involving interracial marriage, the Court reaffirmed the principles set forth in Pierce and Meyers, finding that marriage is one of the basic civil rights of man, fundamental to our very existence and survival. “The Fourteenth Amendment requires that the freedom of choice to marry not be restricted by invidious racial discriminations. Under our Constitution, the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual and cannot be infringed by the State.” [Loving v Virginia 388 US 1 (1967)]

The 4th and 5th Amendments were described as protection against all governmental invasions “of the sanctity of a man’s home and the privacies of life.” The Court referred to the 4th Amendment as creating a “right to privacy, no less important than any other right carefully and particularly reserved to the people.” Reaffirming the principles set forth in Pierce v. Society of Sisters and Meyers v Nebraska. [Griswold v Connecticut 381 US 479 (1965)]

It is cardinal with us that the custody, care and nurture of the child reside first in the parents, whose primary function and freedom include preparation for obligations the state can neither supply nor hinder. And it is in recognition of this that these decisions have respected the private realm of family life which the state cannot enter. [Prince v Massachusetts 321 US 158 (1944)]

“We are dealing here with legislation which involves one of the basic civil rights of man. Marriage and procreation are fundamental to the very existence and survival of the race.” [Skinner v Oklahoma 316 US 535 (1942)]

The liberty of parents and guardians to direct the upbringing and education of children was abridged by a proposed statute to compel public education. “The fundamental theory of liberty upon which all governments in this Union repose excludes any general power of the state to standardize its children by forcing them to accept instruction from public teachers only. The child is not the mere creature of the state; those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right, coupled with the high duty, to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations.” [Pierce v Society of Sisters 268 US 510 (1925)]

“No state … shall deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law.”
“While this court has not attempted to define with exactness the liberty thus guaranteed, the term has received much consideration and some of the included things have been definitely stated. Without doubt, it denotes not merely freedom from bodily restraint but also the right of the individual to contract, to engage in any of the common occupations of life, to acquire useful knowledge, to marry, establish a home and bring up children, to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience, and generally to enjoy those privileges long recognized at common law as essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men.” [Meyer v Nebraska
262 US 390 (1923)]

The Supreme Court of the United States has traditionally and continuously upheld the principle that parents have the fundamental right to direct the education and upbringing of their children. A review of cases taking up the issue shows that the Supreme Court has unwaveringly given parental rights the highest respect and protection possible. What follows are some of the examples of the Court’s past protection of parental rights.

In Meyer v. Nebraska, 1. The Court invalidated a state law which prohibited foreign language instruction for school children because the law did not “promote” education but rather “arbitrarily and unreasonably” interfered with “the natural duty of the parent to give his children education suitable to their station in life…” 2. The court chastened the legislature for attempting “materially to interfere… with the power of parents to control the education of their own.” 3. This decision clearly affirmed that the Constitution protects the preferences of the parent in education over those of the State. In the same decision, the Supreme Court also recognized that the right of the parents to delegate their authority to a teacher in order to instruct their children was protected within the liberty of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The fundamental theory of liberty upon which all governments in this Union repose excluded any general power of the state to standardize its children by forcing them to accept instruction from public teachers only. The child is not the mere creature of the state; those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right and the high duty, to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations. [Emphasis supplied]

The Supreme Court uses strong language in asserting that children are not “the mere creature of the State.” The holding in Pierce, therefore, preserves diversity of process of education by forbidding the State to standardize the education of children through forcing them to only accept instruction from public schools.

The parents’ right to instruct their children clearly takes precedence over the state’s regulatory interest unless the public safety is endangered.

Similarly, in Prince v. Massachusetts, the Supreme Court admitted the high responsibility and right of parents to control the upbringing of their children against that of the State.
It is cardinal with us that the custody, care, and nurture of the child reside first in the parents, whose primary function and freedom include preparation for obligations the State can neither supply nor hinder. [emphasis supplied]

Twenty-one years later, the Supreme Court, in Griswold v. Connecticut, emphasized that the state cannot interfere with the right of a parent to control his child’s education. 14 The Court stated that the right to educate one’s child as one chooses is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and applicable to the States by the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

Consequently, it is clear the constitutional right of a parent to direct the upbringing and education of his child is firmly entrenched in the U.S. Supreme Court case history. Furthermore, a higher standard of review applies to fundamental rights such as parental liberty than to other rights. When confronted with a conflict between parents’ rights and state regulation, the court must apply the “compelling interest test.” Under this test, the state must prove that its infringement on the parents’ liberty is essential to fulfill a compelling interest and is the least restrictive means of fulfilling this state interest. Simply proving the regulation is reasonable is not sufficient.
Below are excerpts from over a dozen United States Supreme Court cases where, primarily in dicta, the Court has declared parental rights to be fundamental rights which require a higher standard of review (i.e. the “compelling interest test”).

In this case, the Court includes the right of parents to rear children among rights “deemed fundamental.” [1. Paris Adult Theater v. Slaton, 413 US 49, 65 (1973)]

Once again, the Court includes the right of parents in the area of “child rearing and education” to be a liberty interest protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, requiring an application of the “compelling interest test.” [2. Carey v. Population Services International, 431 US 678, 684-686 (1977)]

Although the Constitution does not explicitly mention any right of privacy, the Court has recognized that one aspect of the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment is a “right of

personal privacy or a guarantee of certain areas or zones of privacy . . . This right of personal privacy includes the interest and independence in making certain kinds of important decisions . . . While the outer limits of this aspect of privacy has not been marked by the Court, it is clear that among the decisions that an individual may make without unjustified government interference are personal decisions relating to marriage . . . family relationships, Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 US 158 (1944); and child rearing and education, Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 US 510 (1925); Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 US 390 (1923).’ [Emphasis supplied]

Charles Frederick Tolbert DivM, EdM, EdD
Retired MSGT – Pastor
Was a Candidate for US Senate 2016 NPA

Copy Editor: Vilet Dye…

Complete written course by Dr. Tolbert while he was doing his masters degree in 2002 can be found on the following Weblink

Read below for road map of instructions for using this Web-site.

Multimedia for Learning: Methods and Development (2002)

Chapter 11

1. What is the Web in Web based learning?

2. The Web as a delivery Medium.

3. The Web as a Communication Medium.

a. E-mail

b. Listservs

c. Bulletin Boards

d. Chat rooms

e. Audio teleconferencing

f. Video teleconferencing

4. The Web as a Methodology for learning.

5. Uses of the Web for learning.

6. Use of the Web for learning can be divided into two main categories.

Support for traditional on-site learning.

a. Distance Learning

b. On-site learning

Group two incorporated the methodology of Chapter 11

The following is the Road Map to the Web-site

Image Food: Click on link nutrition for Web information

Image People: Click on link Emotional for check list medical and links

Image runner: Click on link Physical for Web information

By clicking on any of these four links you will be taken to a related subject page.

Nutrition Counseling | Coping with Stress |

Psychology/Mental Health | Physical & Psychological effect

By Scrolling down you will review the following:

Introduction to project

Group two incorporated the methodology of Chapter 11

Introduction to project!

Your Health!

It’s components:

Physical/Nutrition/ Emotional

You are a spirit in a fleshly body. Are you taking care of yourself?

There is no one simple answer or solution for the integration of technology into the educational system. Neither is it relevant which topic the facilitator teaches, because the multimedia that the teacher chooses is flexible. Group two decided to present, “Physical Fitness and its Components,”because the subject is not only important to the class but also relevant to society. The amazing fact about the topic is that it allows each member to provide his or her own individual slant and input. Conny was responsible for the physical exercise; Sheron prepared a presentation on nutrition, and Charles prepared the presentation on emotional and mental health.

The integration of the three components (physical, nutritional, and mental), the usage of multimedia using learning styles (Dunn & Dunn), in addition to insuring that Blooms Taxonomy with relevance to computer tools were also integrated throughout the presentation would test the groups knowledge and imagination.

After assignment of responsibility the important question was, “How do we present our findings?” The group focused on a Web-site presentation, but we were limited in knowledge and time to learn how to construct a Web-site from scratch. We considered Pageout but we soon realized it was limited in its ability to add links and that the student did not have access to features which would be needed for the presentation. The group then focused on Front page, unlike Pageout, Front Page did allow for expansion and linking other sites, but because of time limitations it was eliminated. The problem seemed unsolvable. If the group wanted to present their project using technology and a Web-site presentation we had to search for a site that was already constructed that could be modified for the presentation.

It became clear that since Charles had a Web-site,, it could be expanded to host this group project. After discussion the group elected to ask the host provider, Earthlink, how we could add a page with links to the different topics. It was determined that a page could be created which could be accessed by This page could not only be useful for this group project but also was needed by Cfacs, Inc to teach the importance of being physically fit as well as spiritually knowledgeable.

The group members started gathering information while coordination was being provided by Earthlink technicians, AIU library personnel, Information Technology Advisers from AIU and Cfacs, Inc. Web-site advisers. Questions concerning the Web Home Page, links to other sites, HTML usage, addition of Power Point presentation and Word Documents had to be considered. Thought also needed to be given to the unreliability of the network at AIU and an alternate plan should there be a system outage on the day of the presentation. Can a presentation of this type be backed up on a CD and the CD be provided to the students if either AIU or Earthlink’s system were not operational?

Can a project be prepared in fewer than five weeks and be constructed with relevance to the course requirements? And what are these requirements? The project must first be educational. The student must be entertained and still learn. The presentation would need to incorporate Dunn & Dunn learning styles. We would need to find ways not only for the student/learner to see the presentation (visual), to hear the presentation (audio), but also we would want the learner to participate in the exercise as well as link to the web site and follow the presentation on their own personal computer. A form was constructed which enabled the learner to perform their own self-evaluation and if needed to seek medical guidance prior to any physical fitness program or diet change. This form and the related exercise provide the learner with actual performance of the exercises (tactile). The group would participate in the learning simultaneously and learning station would not be used, although they could have been incorporated into the presentation, due to time constants they were not considered.

Special consideration would need to be given to the bandwidth and time constraints of transmitting the data to the students. The current bulletin board Pageout system and the Internet were used to transmit information and post ideas. E-mail was used for the transmission of ideas and data that was added to the Web-site. Class time allowed the group to exchange ideas and brainstorm. In addition, when needed, the group received tutoring from several outside sources. Bloom’s Taxonomy with Relevance to Computer Tools was given consideration in the construction and presentation of this project. Researching the Web was done extensively in order to find relevant information that would enhance the presentation. Credit would be given to the author of any information used, and this information would be compared to the current knowledge of the student and facilitators. The objective was to insure that all possible means of teaching were considered and each method was evaluated to insure its adaptability to not only class room instruction, but also to home usage. Each aspect of the presentation was analyzed to insure its compliance with course requirements and that the presentation could be duplicated both inside and outside the classroom.

Comments or recommendation by the learners/students were to be posted on Pageout for the group and other students to read. Adjustments were to be made from these comments by Cfacs, Inc. and they would decide whether or not to make this project part of their permanent Web-site.

Schools today throughout the world have come to the conclusion that teaching begins earlier than what was original thought. This idea of teaching the pre-school and even in home teaching should cause the parents to re-evaluate how soon and what they should provide their children. Technology has reached back into the lives of our very young allowing them to be entertained and educated at the same time. It is even more appropriate that knowing how to apply the principles of Dunn & Dunn’s Learning Styles to this young group of learners is of the utmost importance. What concerned us is that teachers may not apply tactile teaching to this young group of children between 3-7. We agreed that teachers need to be informed, keep current, and be observant of the child’s behavior. In doing so they should not take the fun out of learning. We can see by reading the articles that the application of Blooms Taxonomy at the lower level hopefully will come up with a means of evaluating the success of their observations. In the same breath technology can be use to teach all ages the importance of health.

Multi-media is moving into the home as well as the work place, not only will our children need to be educated concerning the application of the tools required to operate this new means of learning but the parents will have to be re-educated so as to keep up with their children. We saw that time is one of the most valuable commodities available to an individual. Therefore time management must be given the utmost attention.

Teaching students regardless of age will soon be done more at homes than in classrooms and in addition Companies must learn to adapt to these changes in their teaching environments. However teachers will still need to be able to interact and direct the learner’s activities. Someone will need to facilitate, direct, coordinate and evaluate this new learning. But how? Teachers will have to be re-educated in order to train and oversee this technology. Throughout the article the reader should find the applications of the theories of Bloom Taxonomy and Dunn & Dunn, but more than that, the reader should gain a greater understanding of the impact of multi-media teaching in our society today.

Workstations do not resemble the presentation given by our group on Hurricane preparation. The workstation is our computer and all those wires that link it to the outside world. One of the first things that were given to Charles when he came into the ministry, was not to look for a building to teach from, but looks to teach the world (God’s arrangement). Cfacs, Inc. started with tapes and videos and went directly to the Web, several years of writing, reading, studying, and learning coming together in one place for one purpose to teach the Word. It is amazing how learning technology, theology, and education in order to fulfill the great commission is being used today. This article tells it all. We are just a small part of the future. You are part of seeing us be a part of the next generation.


The solution is to create a problem. How can anyone learn unless they know what to learn and why they should learn? The problem for the student is to learn the problem, and the teacher is how to teach the student to learn. This article explained what a problem was, “A problem is usually some difficulty that we want to overcome,” otherwise it would not be a problem but a solution or directive. But how does this relate to multi-media and the theories we are being taught. Let digress a moment and review the steps in defining a problem as outlined by this article.

1. Define current situation.

In our case, where are we now, where are we going, and how are we going to get there? If we know that as in learning we must take the first step, the purpose of the project with the interjection of Bloom, Dunn & Dunn and the use of technology. Some ideas which the article address to be considered were.

a. Background

b. Need

c. Time parameters

d. Financial constants

e. Resources available

f. Resources not available

2. Define the goals and make them understandable and attainable.

What do we want to achieve? Where are we going? And how will we know when we have finished?

a. Specific

b. Measurable

c. Achievable

d. Results-oriented

3. Identify what has to be done to get from one place to the next?

4. Identify main problem.

For the group project we are to present a multi-media lesson using all technology available in less than 5 weeks.

5. Know your audience.

The first step in problem solving after you know your goals is to know your audience.

6. Do your research.

There are many ways to do research, dividing the task into small increments and delegating responsibility is the quickest. Here are some sources.

a. Directories both Internet and libraries

b. Reference books

c. Encyclopedias (This source has just about been replaced by the internet search)

d. Almanacs (Same as above)

e. Dictionaries/Concordances

f. Newspapers

g. Magazines/Articles

h. The Internet

7. Hold a focus group/Brainstorm.

The key here is to know the limitations of each member and their expertise.

8. Do a “SWOT” analysis.

a. Strengths

b. Weaknesses

c. Opportunities


9. Write a description of the task.

a. Purpose of project

b. Situation

c. Background

d. Audiences

e. Objectives

f. Strategy

g. Tactics

h. Discussions

i. Explain and rehearsal are addition to what the author wrote

j. Evaluation and re-do if necessary are addition not mentioned by the author.

I have taken the time to list this and in some cases summarized it, because I believe this would help guide the group leaders. In addition, the group should stay focused on the means of presenting the project. It must be tasteful and attractive as well as entertaining and educational.


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Topic: Total Fitness and its components

What do you think when you have lots of energy?

Do you think about the many things you want to do, places where you want to go, people you want to see?

How do you feel when you don’t have energy?

Do you think about staying in bed, lying around the house, closing out the rest of the world?

The truth is that when we have energy, we say yes, and when we have little or no energy, we say no.

Healthy eating will give you the optimum energy and nutrition for life. Eating with the purpose of feeding your cell and fueling your system is one of the simplest ways to build your energy and invest in your health. Purposeful eating does not mean to deriving your body of the required fuel and nutrition it not the keep to healthy eating. However purposeful eating means eat in moderation and small motions at a time.

The powerful tools of marketing and advertising have caused a lot of confusion about what foods are nutritionally good, bad, and fad. We as a nation are obsessed with weight issues. We have strayed so far away from the basics of nutrition that we are best. This is why we need to regroup and refresh ourselves with the basic principles of our energy and nutritional needs.

At all times, we should bear in mend the famous quote let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. The quote should remind us that we should include those things that are good for us abundantly and regularly in our lives. Eating for energy gives you a new way of looking at food and new foods to look at and eat!

Here are some new ideas to digest about your nutrition:

1) Energy driven choices: What kind of energy do I want to have as an outcome of the type of food I purchase at the grocery store, for a particular meal.

2) Energy control: If you want to feel energized, eat a meal that has more than half (55 to 60 percent) of the total calories from carbohydrates less than 25 percent from fat and the rest (15 percent) from protein.

3) Emerging independence: Feeding your body with a healthy energy plan in mind gives you real independence and more opportunities for saying yes to life.

4) The impact of nutrition on cellular you: Maintaining a balanced diet is the key to healthy eating.

The Dietary guidelines for American are seven basic principles for developing and maintaining a healthier diet. They were developed by the US Department of Agriculture and the US Department of Health and Human Services.

The Dietary guidelines emphasize balance variety and moderation in the overall diet. The seven guidelines are:

1) Eat a variety of foods.

2) Maintain a desirable weight.

3) Avoid too much fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.

4) Eat foods with adequate starch and fiber.

5) Avoid too much sugar.

6) Avoid too much sodium.

7) If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.

Eating healthy consist of eating food from all of the major food groups. The major food groups are:

1) Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates should make up 55 to 60 percent of total calories consumed. Their primary function is o supply energy, quickly.

2) Fats: These should make up less than 25 to 30 percent of total calories. There are two types of fats; saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats causes much damage, they are known also as artery blockers. Keep these well below 10 percent of your calories consumed. Unsaturated fats are the preferred fats. There are two types. Namely:

a) Monounsaturated fats: Examples of sources are olive and canola oils.

b) Polyunsaturated fats: they are found in corn sunflower, soybean, and sunflower oils.

3) Protein: Protein is compounds derived from amino acids. The primary function of protein is to build and repair red blood cells, muscle hair and bodily tissue cells. I recommended intake is 4 gram per ml.

4) Water: Water is found in food and fluids. The human body is about 60-76 percent water. Daily requirement is a minimum of 64 ounces of water. Water is necessary for the transportation of nutrients, gases, and waste products, and regulation of heat. Several signs that indicate if enough water are not being consumed.

These are the following signs. These are the following signs:

a) Bad breath

b) Pasty mouth, tongue

c) Dark colored/ smelly urine

d) Interstitial cramping

e) Difficult bowels

f) Dry skin

g) Headaches

5) Vitamins: vitamins are the support crew or catalysts that enable other important functions to take place in the body. A good source of vitamin is whole food source.

6) Minerals: Minerals are inorganic substances that help the body perform many functions.

There are several factors that determine how eating affect our bodies. These factors are:

1) Genetics and History: The body will function or perform cell activity based on the history of the body function and also based on genetic functions.

2) Slowed metabolism: when the brain is deprived of its glucose and regular energy income, it slows down other metabolic events in the body too.

3) Rebound effect: When we feel deprived of something, it seems to motivate us to want it even more. Periods of self-imposed deprivation are often followed by periods of overindulgence. When one relaxes and allows ourselves to eat and nourish he/she’s body machine that can avoid the impending rebound effect.

How can you eat to maintain good health and get your weight in check?

1) Always estimate the calories before you eat a meal.

2) Constantly check weight, to keep weight in check.

3) Managing your body composition and weight are very important to maintain energy and prolong long life.

4) Always eat a balanced diet. Know if you have a sloe metabolism or not.

5) Know your genetic and family history. Set goals for yourself, and know your limitations.

6) Focus your attention on your energy and how you fuel throughout your day. Live, love, eat healthy and enjoy life.

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Dec 12 (HeartCenterOnline) – A new study confirms the beneficial role of nutrition counselors as part of a heart patient’s medical team. The study appears in the December 2002 issue of the Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

Food is the fuel that provides the human body with the nutrients and energy required for healthy function. Food is more than essential, however. For many, it is truly enjoyed on an emotional level – to be savored as an experience and viewed as a work of art.

Unfortunately, food has been linked to both emotional and physical problems. From an emotional perspective, food can be used to fill a feeling of emptiness or to gain a sense of control, sometimes leading to eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa. From a physical perspective, the quality of one’s diet can be a powerful contributor to the development of many diseases, of which heart-related problems are among the most serious. Diets that are high in cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats greatly increase the risk of atherosclerosis, high blood pressure (hypertension) and obesity.

Experts say that heart health depends on getting the right nutrients into the body – nutrients that nourish vital organs like the heart muscle and help the body to perform necessary functions, such as maintaining normal blood flow or breaking down substances into small particles that the body can use and/or dispose of easily.

Researchers have found, however, that people with high cholesterol or heart-unhealthy diets do not always practice what is preached. Therefore, the current study sought to investigate the impact of “nutrition therapy” on adopting and maintaining lifestyle changes as they relate to diet.

Ninety individuals with high cholesterol were separated into two groups. One received standard medical care from their physicians. The other received medical care plus visits with a registered dietitian or nutrition professional. People in this latter group were given printed information and personalized counseling on ways to incorporate low fat recipes and cholesterol-reducing strategies into their daily routine.

After six months, those undergoing nutrition counseling reported significantly higher satisfaction about their overall care, health, appearance and eating habits. This was evidenced by a reduction in cholesterol levels and even greater weight loss compared to the “standard” medical care group. This proved to be a pleasant surprise for the researchers, who feared that an individual may be too resistant to change his or her lifestyle. Registered dietitian Linda M. Delahanty, M.S., of the Diabetes Center of Massachusetts General Hospital, said, “Contrary to popular belief, there is no apparent reduction, but rather an improvement in some measures of quality of life and patient satisfaction with medical nutritional therapy for high cholesterol.”

Copyright 2000-2003 HeartCenterOnline

Physical and psychological effects:

The effects of eating disorders on a person’s physical and emotional well-being can be devastating, and in some cases, deadly. Skaters should note that this also means their performance on the ice will be adversely affected, perhaps to the point where they will never be able to skate again. Plain and simple: it’s just not worth it.

Food restriction

Restrictive or erratic eating patterns can cause more than just weight loss. Metabolic difficulties are almost certain, even if weight loss is NOT dramatic. Blood pressure and heart rate will fall, setting a person up for heart or kidney failure. The person may experience dizzy or fainting spells, and because they have little insulation and/or poor circulation, will constantly feel cold. Hair on the head begins to fall out while more hair grows on the rest of the body (called lanugo).

In females, the menstrual cycle may cease due to plummeting estrogen levels. This may later lead to osteoporosis (which is irreversible). Without menstrual periods, women are also at a greater risk of developing ovarian cysts or other problems with the reproductive system; perhaps even to the point of never being able to have children.

Especially if a person does not get enough the proper nutrition, many other serious consequences may result. Lack of fat in the diet means that the body cannot absorb certain vitamins, and depending on what foods are being cut out of a person’s diet, they may not even be getting all of the vitamins and minerals they need to begin with.

Forced vomiting

Forced vomiting causes electrolyte imbalances, which can easily lead to life-threatening heart-related problems. The acid in vomit can cause the enamel of teeth to wear down, That same acid also eats away at the lining of the esophagus and may cause gastric rupture. In other words, immediate death.

Many patients who frequently force themselves to vomit after meals may be unable to eat without a gag reflex. G.E.R.D., or Gastro-Esophogal Reflux Disease, is another potential consequence of frequent purging. Vomiting can also cause severe dehydration, leading to abnormally low blood pressure and increased risk of fainting.

Syrup of ipecac, a drug sometimes used to induce vomiting in emergency situations, is sometimes abused by eating disorder patients. This is perhaps one of the most dangerous methods of all. Ipecac is a POISON, and may cause permanent damage to the heart or other organs. Karen Carpenter died, WHILE IN RECOVERY, from complications related to her past use of ipecac syrup.

Other “purging” methods

Diuretics, or water pills, can easily cause electrolyte imbalances much in the same way as forced vomiting, and the risk of dehydration and kidney damage is even greater. Laxative abuse also causes dehydration, and may also cause permanent damage to the bowels. A person may actually become dependent on laxatives if they abuse them for a long period of time. Not only are the stimulants addicting, but soon the bowels will not be able to move without them.

The worst part about laxatives and diuretics is that they do not even really cause weight loss… all you are losing is water weight, which is quickly regained (and then some). Incidentally, the body’s metabolism decreases when it is dehydrated… so I hope this shows just how REALLY “not worth it” diuretics and laxatives are.

Even “compulsive exercisers” are not off the hook. Excessive exercise may take its toll on a person’s body as well, particularly if the person is already malnourished. Stress fractures are very common in people with eating disorders because the danger of osteoporosis is heightened by malnutrition.

Binge eating

Binge eating itself, without the terrible compensatory methods, can also do damage. Large binges can cause the stomach to stretch, possibly even to the point of literally bursting. Chronic binge eating may also lead to weight gain, regardless of whether or not these binges are “compensated” for.

Some people with binge eating disorder may even become obese, and develop many of the problems which acompany obesity, including high blood pressure, diabetes, menstrual troubles, cardiovascular disease, sleeping disturbances such as sleep apnea, and arthritis.

Psychological and psychosocial effects

The psychological effects of eating disorders are nearly as devastating as the physical ones. The very nature of eating disorders demand that the behaviors be carried out in secret. Thus the person with an ED becomes more withdrawn and avoidant of social situations, particularly those that involve food. Lack of social interaction, coupled with poor nutrition, can not only exacerbate pre-existing depression and anxiety, but they can also cause it in individuals who previously had no such problems. “Meaningful relationships and eating disorders are mutually exclusive,” says one of my friends. And she is absolutely right.

Stress is a natural part of life. The expressions are familiar to us, “I’m stressed out,” “I’m under too much stress,” or “Work is one big stress.”

Stress is hard to define because it means different things to different people; however, it’s clear that most stress is a negative feeling rather than a positive feeling.

Stress can be both physical and mental.

You may feel physical stress which is the result of too much to do, not enough sleep, a poor diet or the effects of an illness. Stress can also be mental: when you worry about money, a loved one’s illness, retirement, or experience an emotionally devastating event, such as the death of a spouse or being fired from work.

However, much of our stress comes from less dramatic everyday responsibilities. Obligations and pressures which are both physical and mental are not always obvious to us. In response to these daily strains your body automatically increases blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, metabolism, and blood flow to you muscles. This response, is intended to help your body react quickly and effectively to a high-pressure situation.

However, when you are constantly reacting to stressful situations without making adjustments to counter the effects, you will feel stress which can threaten your health and well-being.

It is essential to understand that external events, no matter how you perceive those events which may cause stress. Stress often accompanies the feeling of “being out of control.”

How do I know if I am suffering from stress?

Remember, each person handles stress differently. Some people actually seek out situations which may appear stressful to others. A major life decision, such as changing careers or buying a house, might be overwhelming for some people, while others may welcome the change. Some find sitting in traffic too much to tolerate, while others take it in stride. The key is determining your personal tolerance levels for stressful situations.

Stress can cause physical, emotional and behavioral disorders which can affect your health, vitality, peace-of-mind, as well as personal and professional relationships. Too much stress can cause relatively minor illnesses like insomnia, backaches, or headaches, and can contribute to potentially life-threatening diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease.

Tips for reducing or controlling stress

As you read the following suggestions, remember that success will not come from a half hearted effort, nor will it come overnight. It will take determination, persistence and time. Some suggestions may help immediately, but if your stress is chronic, it may require more attention and/or lifestyle changes. Determine YOUR tolerance level for stress and try to live within these limits. Learn to accept or change stressful and tense situations whenever possible.

Be realistic. If you feel overwhelmed by some activities (yours and/or your family’s), learn to say NO! Eliminate an activity that is not absolutely necessary. You may be taking on more responsibility than you can or should handle. If you meet resistance, give reasons why you’re making the changes. Be willing to listen to other’s suggestions and be ready to compromise.

Shed the “superman/superwoman” urge. No one is perfect, so don’t expect perfection from yourself or others. Ask yourself, “What really needs to be done?” How much can I do? Is the deadline realistic? What adjustments can I make?” Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

Meditate. Just ten to twenty minutes of quiet reflection may bring relief from chronic stress as well as increase your tolerance to it. Use the time to listen to music, relax and try to think of pleasant things or nothing.

Visualize. Use your imagination and picture how you can manage a stressful situation more successfully. Whether it’s a business presentation or moving to a new place, many people feel visual rehearsals boost self-confidence and enable them to take a more positive approach to a difficult task.

Take one thing at a time. For people under tension or stress, an ordinary workload can sometimes seem unbearable. The best way to cope with this feeling of being overwhelmed is to take one task at a time. Pick one urgent task and work on it. Once you accomplish that task, choose the next one. The positive feeling of “checking off” tasks is very satisfying. It will motivate you to keep going.

Exercise. Regular exercise is a popular way to relieve stress. Twenty to thirty minutes of physical activity benefits both the body and the mind.

Hobbies. Take a break from your worries by doing something you enjoy. Whether it’s gardening or painting, schedule time to indulge your interest.

Healthy life style. Good nutrition makes a difference. Limit intake of caffeine and alcohol (alcohol actually disturbs regular sleep patterns), get adequate rest, exercise, and balance work and play.

Share your feelings. A conversation with a friend lets you know that you are not the only one having a bad day, caring for a sick child or working in a busy office. Stay in touch with friends and family. Let them provide love, support and guidance. Don’t try to cope alone.

Give in occasionally. Be flexible! If you find you’re meeting constant opposition in either your personal or professional life, rethink your position or strategy. Arguing only intensifies stressful feelings. If you know you are right, stand your ground, but do so calmly and rationally. Make allowances for other’s opinions and be prepared to compromise. If you are willing to give in, others may meet you halfway. Not only will you reduce your stress, you may find better solutions to your problems.

Go easy with criticism. You may expect too much of yourself and others. Try not to feel frustrated, let down, disappointed or even “trapped” when another person does not measure up. The “other person” may be a wife, a husband, or child whom you are trying to change to suit yourself. Remember, everyone is unique, and has his or her own virtues, shortcomings, and right to develop as an individual.

Where to Get Help

Help may be as close as a friend or spouse. But if you think that you or someone you know may be under more stress than just dealing with a passing difficulty, it may be helpful to talk with your doctor, spiritual advisor, or employee assistance professional. They may suggest you visit with a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or other qualified counselor.

Ideas to consider when talking with a professional:

List the things which cause stress and tension in your life.

How does this stress and tension affect you, your family and your job?

Can you identify the stress and tensions in your life as short or long term?

Do you have a support system of friends/family that will help you make positive changes?

What are your biggest obstacles to reducing stress?

What are you willing to change or give up for a less stressful and tension-filled life?

What have you tried already that didn’t work for you?

If you do not have control of a situation, can you accept it and get on with your life?

Other Resources:

If these links do not open they are available in brief under pictures on home page and they can be copied and pasted as part of tactile learning.

Health and Fitness Information Form

1. How much time per week can you spend working out? ______hrs.

2. How many days per week can you spend working out? ______

3. Please state your fitness goals. _________________________________________________________

4. Where will you exercise?





5. Do you presently exercise?



If yes. How often?___________________________________________________________________

6. Do you prefer:







Cross training


7. What sports do you play? _____________________________________________________________

8. Do you prefer:


Free weights

No weights or machines


9. What is your current program? _________________________________________________________

To Help understand you and your own personnel health/fitness needs.

Please circle one:



Do you have: (circle all that apply)

High blood pressure?

High blood pressure in the past?

Heart disease?

Heart failure?



Rheumetory Arthritis?



Have you ever had children?

Have you ever had children in the past 6 months?

Have you ever had back, knee or shoulder surgery?

If you answered yes to any surgeries above, please explain _____________________________________

Do you have: (circle all that apply)



Write yes or no next to the below question.

Have you ever had a heart attack?

Broken bones?

Torn muscles or ligaments?


Are you on any medication?

When was your last physical examination?

Please explain any orthopedic problems in full _____________________________________________

I am familiar with most exercise . Yes No

I will most likely be seeking the help of a staff member or trainer at my gym. help show me how to perform some of these exercises. Yes No

Yes No

I am not under any care of a physician of any medical or mental reasons that may hinder my exercise

performance. (any persons that have diabetes, heart disease, pulmonary disease, pregnancy, hypertension,

or any other item including distress must have a doctors release Yes No

It is my understanding and I acknowledge that the presentation is not nor its owners, heirs and shareholders

are not responsible for implementation, supervision or monitoring of this or any other exercise program. I assume

all inherent risks, and since this is a special internet service I have ordered, I am waiving all rights of liability for

any injuries I may sustain, including but not limited to death.

Trainee name:_________________________ Signature:______________________________________

Please answer the following questions with a check in the appropriate box. IMPORTANT:

Respond according to your spontaneous, intuitive reactions, rather than your intellectual beliefs or opinions.

For example, some people enjoy the taste of bacon, but they object to the nitrates, so they don’t eat it. Others

like red meat, but they’re not sure it’s good for them. There are people who love potatoes but stay away from

them in an attempt to lose weight. Your answers should reflect only your body’s reaction to the idea of the food

in question. If there is a question that is not applicable, simply go on to the next question.

WEIGHT:_______ SEX: MALE____ FEMALE____


F- S- R For breakfast I prefer eggs, bacon and toast.

F- S- R At a buffet lunch I would choose mostly meats.

F- S- R Bread and cheese taste better than bread and jam.

F- S -R I feel tired and irritable when I miss a meal.

F- S -R I desire between-meal snacks like cheese and nuts.

F- S- R I would choose fatty cuts of meat rather than lean cuts.

F -S- R When I find myself dragging through a day, a substantial meat dinner makes me feel much better.

F- S- R I like to eat olives.

F -S-R I’d like broiled lamb chops for dinner.

F- S- R I eat mustard, catsup or steak sauce with my protein.

F- S- R I must eat three meals a day.

F- S- R I believe I get hypoglycemia.

F- S- R Liver and bacon sound good to me.

F- S- R I get hungry late in the evening.

F S R I have one or more bowel movements every day.

F- S- R I have sudden mid-morning or mid-afternoon drops in my energy level

Updated March 12, 2018

Governor Scott should be removed from office for not enforcing the law that exists. The governor made an oath to enforce the law.It is a dereliction of duty. Florida Law 1006.147 would have stopped Nickolas Cruz had the education system and law enforcement not dropped the ball. The buck does not stop with the Florida governor. He is more interested in a re-election resume.

Read the last sentence of the Amazon review on the book Shattered Dreams,Broken Patriot. Mr. Bobbie Bean the author lobbied for 1006.147 and would be a great interview on this subject.

The Amazon review:

Imagine your child being airlifted to a hospital after being brutally beaten on school property thrice in two and a half hours. Now, imagine that you begin asking how this could happen at a school and are met with red tape and railroading. The school committee, administrators, and the Sheriff’s Department ignore your requests for information. Townspeople join in to retaliate against your family because you refuse to give up your pursuit of justice. One day, a makeshift fence appears across the road you have been using for years. You cut it to allow your wife’s car through. Within a few weeks, several Sheriff’s deputies roar up your driveway at midnight. One deputy holds a gun to your head while another laughs and pulls down your night shorts, exposing you in front of seven deputies and entire family. You are arrested for cutting a fence and allegedly letting your neighbor’s cow out. “Shattered Dreams, Broken Patriot” is the tragic story of a vicious attack by a town bully that snowballs into a series of horrific acts by a small Florida town. The newcomers moved to Sebring to build their American Dream. Instead, they discover how selfishness, corruption, and the abuse of power can easily conspire to destroy it. Unwavering in his quest for justice, the father, Bobbie Bean, eventually makes his way to the Florida statehouse floor to lobby for accountability, lost lives, and the dramatic passage of what was in 2008 the toughest anti-bullying bill in the nation.

Copy Editor, Vilet Dye…

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