
Read it for Yourself…..TPP = NWO = No USA Sovereignty – Learn the truth about TPP – ISDS – International Court becomes the “Rule of Law”

Free trade agreement (FPP) is in violation of the Commerce Clause
Article I, section 8),

A three-part test is used to determine this implied condition to regulate interstate commerce: (1) that the law is not intended to discriminate against another state, (2) that the substance of the law must not be one that requires national or uniform regulation, and (3) that the interests of the state outweigh those of the federal government’s right to regulate interstate commerce on the matter at issue. See also interstate commerce.

Commerce clause, in the U.S

Supreme Law of the Land.

Open primary and antitrust violations

Currently Florida violates three major United States constitutional issues:

Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD
Write-in Tolbert

Candidate For U. S. Senate Florida 2016

P. O. Box. 740025
Orange City Fl 32774
Retired MSGT

Immigration belongs to the States


According to the Constitution what are the State rights?

Wake-Up America – TPP is the New World Order. This is no exaggeration!! Learn the truth and take action to oppose the Fall of the U.S.A. The International Court will be the new “Rule of Law” and SCOTUS will become irrelevant. You need to take time to think about what this really means to our sovereignty. Do NOT vote for anyone that has supported TPP in the past or supports it now! If they supported in the past – and many RINOs have – they will support it in the future regardless of the campaign rhetoric they are now spewing to you.

Read it for yourself – It is only 6,000 pages….. The Trans-Pacific Partnership @

The Trans-Pacific Partnership @
Leveling the playing field for American workers & American businesses.
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Start with Chapter 28 “Dispute Settlement’

TPP Articles…..
“One strong hint is buried in the fine print of the closely guarded draft. The provision, an increasingly common feature of trade agreements, is called “Investor-State Dispute Settlement,” or ISDS. The name may sound mild, but don’t be fooled. Agreeing to ISDS in this enormous new treaty would tilt the playing field in the United States further in favor of big multinational corporations. Worse, it would undermine U.S. sovereignty.”

“ISDS would allow foreign companies to challenge U.S. laws — and potentially to pick up huge payouts from taxpayers — without ever stepping foot in a U.S. court. Here’s how it would work. Imagine that the United States bans a toxic chemical that is often added to gasoline because of its health and environmental consequences. If a foreign company that makes the toxic chemical opposes the law, it would normally have to challenge it in a U.S. court. But with ISDS, the company could skip the U.S. courts and go before an international panel of arbitrators. If the company won, the ruling couldn’t be challenged in U.S. courts, and the arbitration panel could require American taxpayers to cough up millions — and even billions — of dollars in damages.”
Read more….. The Trans-Pacific Partnership clause everyone should oppose

The Trans-Pacific Partnership clause everyone should opp…
The Investor-State Dispute Settlement provision would undermine U.S. sovereignty.
View on www.washingtonpos…

“Wednesday morning a document was leaked that reveals President Obama’s plans to surrender American sovereignty to international tribunals. This is one of several frightening provisions of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (also known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP) being negotiated in secret by American trade representatives.”

“In the now-public document, as part of its membership in the TPP, the United States would agree to exempt foreign corporations from our laws and regulations, placing the resolution of any disputes as to the applicability of those matters to foreign business in the hands of an international arbitration tribunal overseen by the Secretary General of the United Nations.”

Read More… TPP Secret Trade Agreement Puts International Tribunal Above U.S. Law

TPP Secret Trade Agreement Puts International Tribunal A…
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, negotiated in secret, has a provision that in disputes between corporations, an international tribunal will trump US law. by Joe Wolv…
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Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD

Write-in Tolbert

Candidate For U. S. Senate Florida 2016

P. O. Box. 740025
Orange City Fl 32774
Retired MSGT

Immigration belongs to the States


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