
In the constitution there are to be nine members in the Supreme Court. If we do not elect a new one, according to the constitution, there would be a tie vote.

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Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD

Candidate For U. S. Senate Florida 2018

Charles Frederick Tolbert Ed.D. Resume

In the constitution there are to be nine members in the Supreme Court. If we do not elect a new one, according to the constitution, there would be a tie vote.

As a candidate for the United State Senate Florida 2016, Dr. Tolbert would like electors to ask all candidates, State or Federal, the following questions:

When you vote in the 2018 election for United State senate, ask yourself three questions: Did the candidate serve our country and risk his/her life to protect our freedom? Does the candidate have an education concerning how to teach the children of tomorrow? Does the candidate represent the views of 92% of Americans that believe in God? Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD, pastor, retired MSGT and Vietnam veteran For US Senate Florida Citizens for A Better America (CFABA)

In the constitution there are to be nine members in the Supreme Court. If we do not elect a new one, according to the constitution, there would be a tie vote.

With the announcement of President Trump’s next Supreme Court justice nominee looming, attention has focused on how the newest addition will affect the balance of the court’s voting. The ninth justice may be the swing vote in future court cases.

President Obama who should have been impeached, (as what took place with President Andrew Johnson) from naming any new Supreme Court justices, the Congress has a right not to approve.

Past history of our current Congress has been to approve all of the federal judges Trump has nominated.

When there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court, the president nominates someone who then has to be approved by a majority vote in the Senate.

“If the Court divides 4-4, the lower court opinion is affirmed without creating any Supreme Court precedent,” said Jeffrey Fisher, a professor of law at Stanford University. Since these lower courts are already Trump’s nominees, it would be best to nominate a ninth judge with critical congressional review.

Ironically, there are no requirements given in the Constitution for becoming a Supreme Court justice. No age, experience, or citizenship rules exist. In fact, a Supreme Court justice does not need to even have a law degree. However, since the Senate confirms justices, experience and background have become important factors in the confirmations.

Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD
Retired MSGT/Pastor

Why does the news media only mention Dem. And Rep and not NPA or Independent candidates?
Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD
Retired MSGT / Pastor

Candidate for US Senate Florida 2018 NPA
Please make your donations in support of Citizens for a Better America Party of Florida CFABAPF to your local charity.

Write-in Candidate For US Senate Florida 2018 NPA

Copy Editor: Vilet Dye…

Charles Frederick Tolbert Ed.D. Resume

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