
Attached is a copy of the Constitution for the Party Citizens For A Better America Inc. Sent to DOE on April 01, 2016

April 01, 2016

Florida Department of State
Bureau of Election Records
Division of Elections
Room 316
Attention: Malcolm Chellman
R.A. Gray Building
500 South Brounough Street
Tallahassee, FL. 32399-0250

Sent certified mail USPS

Dear Mr. Chellman

Please find enclosed documents for registering a “minor political party” in Florida.

Please advise of the approval of this submission, and let us know if we need additional information or have any questions, by contacting Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD at (561) 398-9025 or

We request that the three-letter designation be “CFA”.


Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD

I certify the following:

The name of the minor political party is Citizens For A Better America Inc. –Florida
The current officers of the Party for Citizens For A Better America Inc.-Florida

Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD , Chairperson
2578 Enterprise Road Unit 182
Orange City, FL 32763

Michael Loesche, Treasurer
2044 S.W. 19th Lane
Okeechobee, FL 34974

The members of the State Executive Committee of the Citizens For A Better America Inc. –Florida are:

Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD , Chairperson
2578 Enterprise Road Unit 182
Orange City, FL 32763

Michael Loesche, Treasurer
2044 S.W. 19th Lane
Okeechobee, FL 34974

Attached is a copy of the Constitution for the Party Citizens For A Better America Inc. –Florida

DATED :______________________________

Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD
Chairperson, Citizens For A Better America Inc.-Florida


Party for Citizens For A Better America, Inc.-Florida (CFABAPF) is a statewide minor political party in Florida affiliated with the national party, Citizens For A Better America Inc. National Party (CFABANP).

It is the intent and purpose of this Constitution and CFABAPF to conform to the requirements of all Florida’s election laws, regulations and rules. To the extent that if any of this Constitution conflicts with any provisions of Florida’s Election Laws, regulations or rules, then such provisions shall yield to the relevant Florida Law, regulation or rule to the extent of such conflict. To the extent that any deficiencies exist, the Constitution shall be amended immediately to fulfill any requirements stated in Florida’s Law.

Citizens For A Better America Inc. –Florida (CFABAPF) will have a State Executive committee made up of a Chairperson and a Treasurer. Other offices may be created at a future date by decision of the current State Executive Committee and the approval of the national party; until such offices are created and filled, the Chairperson and the Treasurer shall fulfill all executive duties. Local and county-wide groups may be created at future date by decision of the current State Executive Committee and the national party; when such entities exist, the State Executive Committee shall organize activities in all parts of the state. The State Executive Committee shall be the principal governing and decision-making body in consultation with the national party. It should also serve as the State Board of Trustees.

Members of the State Executive Committee may run for political office in Florida. If a member of the CFABAPF is elected to any of the offices as provided for in the Florida Statutes 103.091 (6)(a)2-3 (e.g. U. S. Senate, House of Representatives, a statewide office, etc.), and that person is not a member of the State Executive Committee, then such person such be a member of the State Executive Committee as provided for in above-referenced statute. The State Executive Committee must approve any member seeking to run for political office.

Citizens For A Better America Inc. –Florida (CFABAPF) will seek ballot status in Florida for the candidates for President and Vice President nominated at the National Convention of CFABANP when it is established. It will also run candidates for local, state and federal offices in Florida as it deems feasible.

Citizens For A Better America Inc. –Florida (CFABAPF) and its members, including those seeking political office, will defend and promote the political platform of the national party, as well as political positions on issues relevant to the state of Florida that are in conformity with the overall view of the national party once established.

Purpose and Core issues of CITIZENS FOR A BETTER AMERICA Inc. Party of Florida (CFABAPF)


The purpose of the Party shall be to establish itself as a political party with a forward looking vision, demonstrating the facility of the U.S Constitution in all our activities, and to insure that the State of Florida’s constitution is correct according to the U.S. Constitution.

Below are the core issues: Citizens For A Better America Inc.-FLORIDA (CFABAPF}

1. Enforce U. S. Constitution

2. Taxation by representation

3. Bring jobs home…made in America

4. Non-Bullying in Schools

5. Reduce Federal influence of the State according to Amendment 10, U.S. Constitution

6. Religious Freedom Amendment 1 U.S. Constitution

7. Equal Rights according to Amendment 14 U.S. Constitution

8. Redefine Education as a Parents responsibility and elimination of Federal intervention

9. Enforce and support Amendment 2 U.S. Constitution, Right to bear arms

10. To form a State immigration department according to Amendment 10 U.S. Constitution,
according to naturalization of requirements of seven-year residency of state and of
good moral character. The only way individuals who can come in this country legally
should be according to the following:

A. Pay the state for request of residency
B. If they come in this country illegally they do not have good moral character and they
should perform the following under probation for two years or be deported.

a. Not allowed to send money out of state
b. Not receive any benefits such as welfare food stamps and medical or free education
relative or other individuals.
c. Received a work permit and be sponsored by either the community, a friend, relative
or other individuals
d. Upon completion of the probation period of two years they would then be allowed
to submit as a resident of good moral character and follow the federal laws for
naturalization and receive full benefits as a resident of the state
e. May not be allowed to be employed by State Laws unless they comply with a-d

11. Provide defense of the United States, the veterans and all military forces to become a powerful country where our allies are protect or the consequences are suffered.

12. Provide sufficient defense for the country of Israel to such a degree they cannot be conquered as they are our brothers in God.

13. Define marriage and support as a religious right between man and woman as a same-sex union that would be considered a civil union, and would not violate the First Amendment, but uphold the 1st and 14th amendments.

14. Healthcare

Ask Congress to completely repeal Obamacare, including the individual mandate. “No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.” Amendment 1.

The Taxing and Spending Clause [1] (which contains provisions known as the General Welfare Clause[2] and the Uniformity Clause[3]), Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution, grants the Federal Government of the United States its power of taxation. While authorizing Congress to levy taxes, this clause permits the levying of taxes for two purposes only: to pay the debts of the United States, and to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. Taken together, these purposes have traditionally been held to imply and to constitute the federal government’s taxing and spending power.[4]

Modify existing laws to allow for the sale and purchase of Health Insurance plans across state lines. “By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.” (Amendment 10)

Make health insurance premium payments fully deductible on an individual’s tax return in the same way that businesses are allowed to deduct their premium payments. (Close IRS/HR 25)

Permit individuals and families to use tax-free Health Savings Accounts. These accounts would not only be allowed to accumulate, but also be transferable and inheritable, and would be flexible enough to use on behalf of other family members if necessary.

Require transparency in pricing by Health Care Providers and Health Care Organizations, such as Insurance Companies, Doctors, Hospitals and Clinics. “Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.”

Convert Medicaid funding into block grants to the states. “The state governments know their people best, and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead funding from Federal tax collected under HR 25 fair tax law.”

Remove barriers to entry in the pharmaceutical drug industry. Making pharmaceutical drugs more of a competitive free market would bring down prices and improve safety and reliability by allowing consumers more options to fill their prescription drug needs.

The success of all of these steps are contingent upon returning immigration back to the State, closing the IRS and less interference with States rights, all of which will relieve pressures on the health care industry and free up money for consumers to spend.

Further explanation of the Thirteen Keys can be found in the introduction to the Party Platform, and Party literature can be read in the Manifesto found on

Citizens For A Better America Inc. –Florida (CFABAPF) identifies the two party system as a violation of the U.S. Constitution and its main objective is to insure full compliance of the Constitution at both the national and state level.

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