
Application for US Senate Fl 2016

Call To Duty

I was born in Indianapolis and went to Washington high school
At the age of 17 I had to join army or go to jail.
After 22 years I retired from army as a MSG
I fought in Vietnam
Later became a motivational speak opened executive airplane sales company
And in 1999 became a Pastor

Receiving my BS, DivM, EdM and by 2010 my EdD

I was a caregiver for three ladies while going to school from 2002 to 2013

I am currently A candidate for United States Senator Florida 2016

Is not just the veterans or the ones that died for our country but today it is in remembrance of all citizens that they had a call to duty
Retired MSGT Tolbert EdD

Article II of the Constitution says the president has the power to:

make treaties with other countries (with consent of the Senate),
appoint ambassadors to other countries (with consent of the Senate)
and receive ambassadors from other countries

In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples” (Luke 14:33).

As a governor the concern is about the state.
As a State Representative the concern is the district.
As a U.S. Senator the concern is the State of Florida. In addition the international scene and the national forum, representing all 50 states and the U.S. Constitution.
Article II of the Constitution says the president has the power to:

make treaties with other countries (with consent of the Senate),
appoint ambassadors to other countries (with consent of the Senate)
and receive ambassadors from other countries

Our first priority is the U.S. Constitution.
Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD
I believe in God and I am A Citizen For A Better America National Party
Candidate for U.S. Senate Florida 2016

Sent from my iPad

American’s Creed

I believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

Written by William Tyler Page, clerk of the United States House of Representatives, 1917; accepted by that House on behalf of the American People, April 3, 1918
United States Senator
Candidate Status Primary General
DeRenzo, D. J. (REP) Active
Guthrie, Sean Patrick (NPA) Active
Jones, Lateresa A. (DEM) Active
Katz, llya (REP) Active
Keith, Pamela Michele (DEM) Active
Smith, Dr. Joe (REP) Active
Sunthonchart Jr., Paiboon (WRI) Active
Tolbert, Charles Frederick (NPA) Active–us-senate-candidate-dr-charles-tolbert
Division of Elections

Room 316, R.A. Gray Building
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, Fl 32399-0250

Reference: U.S. Senate Florida November 08, 2016
Charles Frederick Tolbert
P. O. Box 23935
Ft. Lauderdale Fl. 33307

This letter is to confirm that Charles Frederick Tolbert is seeking the office of U. S. Senate in the November 2016 election as a No Party Affiliation (NPA)

Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD

April 06, 2015

Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD (CFABANP) candidate for U. S. Senate Florida 2016
P. O. Box 23935 Ft. Lauderdale Florida 33307 561-398-9025


SECTION 1. The purpose of the Party shall be to establish itself as a political party with a forward looking vision, demonstrating the facility of the U.S Constitution in all our activities, and to issue that te State of Florida’s constitution is correct according to the U.S. Constitution. Below are the Values: Citizens For A Better America National Party CFABANP) of FLORIDA

1. Enforce U. S. Constitution

2. Taxation by representation
3. Bring jobs home made in America
4. Non-Bullying in Schools
5. Reduce Federal influence of the State according to Amendment 10 U.S Constitution
6. Religious Freedom Amendment 1 U. S. Constitution
7. Equal Rights according to Amendment 14 U. S. Constitution
8. Redefine Education as a Parents responsibility and elimination of Federal intervention
9. Enforce and support Amendment 2 U.S. Constitution Right to bear arms

Article 10 of the Constitution for “Citizens For a Better America Party Florida”

10. To form a State immigration department according to Amendment 10 U. S. Constitution
According to 1790 naturalization of requirements of one-year residency of state and of good moral character.

The only way individuals who illegally into this country should be allowed to stay:

1. Pay the state for request of residency

2. Since they came in
this country illegally they do not have good moral character and they should perform the following under probation for two years:

A. Not be allowed to send money out of state.

B. Not receive any benefits such as welfare food stamps and medical or free education.

C. Received a work permit and they are sponsored by either the community, a friend family relative or other individuals.

D. Upon Completion of the probation period of two years they would then be allowed to submit as a resident of good moral character and follow the federal laws for naturalization and receive full benefits as a resident of the state.

E. Not be allowed to be employed by State Laws unless they comply with A-D

11. defense of the United States and the veterans and all military forces to where we become a powerful country that negotiation is that you either protect our allies are you suffer the consequences

12. provide sufficient defense for the country of Israel to such a degree that they cannot be conquered as they are our brothers and God
13. define marriage and support as a religious right between man and woman were as a same-sex union would be considered a civil union and would not violate the First Amendment and uphold the first amendment and the 14th amendment

When you vote in the 2016 election for the president or United State senate, ask yourself three questions:
Did the candidate serve our country and risk his/her life to protect our freedom?
Does the candidate have an education concerning how to teach the children of tomorrow?
Does the candidate represent the views of 92% of Americans that believe in God?
Charles Frederick Tolbert EdD, pastor, retired MSGT and Vietnam veteran
For US Senate Florida,
Citizens For A Better America Party of Florida (CFABANP)

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